The Retire Happy Podcast
Financial and retirement guidance San Diego‘s John Iammarino of Securus Financial and Thomas O‘Connell of International Financial Advisory Group, Inc. in Rockaway, New Jersey. John is a veteran of the financial services industry, a Certified Medicaid Planner, and a National Social Security Advisor. He founded Securus Financial to help retirees and soon-to-be retirees ensure that their retirements provide them with financial peace of mind and the security they need to enjoy their golden years. Thomas has spent 30+ years assisting families with retirement planning, college planning and wealth management. He specializes in working with high net worth individuals, families and business owners. John & Thomas are longtime friends and will use the podcast to help make sure they‘re keeping retirement happy from coast-to-coast.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
We've covered the SECURE Act before on this podcast, but on this episode we'll take a deep dive into the true implications of losing access to the Stretch IRA strategy that many investors have used in the past to pass generational wealth.
Important Info:
SECURE Act Beneficiary PDF
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
How far out from retirement are you? 15 years? 10? 5? Is it on the doorstep? No matter which stage you’re in, there are some really important things you should be thinking about as you inch closer to that day you call it quits at work. On this episode, we’ll walk through these different stages to see exactly the kinds of things you should be doing from a planning perspective and how your focus changes as you get closer to the big day.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a dramatic impact on our daily lives and many people are taking a huge financial hit from lost wages, a volatile stock market, and general economic uncertainty. John will analyze it all on today's show as we break down the situation and give you some important things to think about when it comes to your investments, retirement and actions you should (and shouldn't) take during this pandemic.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Most people like to think that they always make decisions based on logic and facts, but the truth is that emotions usually play a role for all of us in the decision-making process…
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
This is part 2 of our discussion from a few weeks ago about the roadmap to retirement success. We previously discussed how income planning forms the foundation of a retirement plan, but we'll turn our attention on this episode to investing. What is the typical investing ideology of today's retiree? Why might we want to approach investing differently as we get closer to retirement? What is Sequence of Returns Risk? We'll address those questions and more on this episode.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
John gives us an overview of some of the changes the SECURE Act is bringing to the retirement planning landscape. We'll also talk about the role cash plays in our financial plans. Can you ever have too much cash sitting around? And Lisa in Carmel Valley wants to know if her family will be OK taking the DIY approach to retirement planning.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
We debut a new format for the podcast on today's show. We'll do a deep dive into the first part of what it takes to develop the roadmap for reitrement success and happiness. Today's conversation centers around income planning, the foundation of a fundamentally sound retirement plan.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Trustworthy. Likeable. Problem-solving. Good listener. We should be describing your financial advisor or a potential advisor if you’re in the process of finding one. On today’s show, we’ll talk about why it’s so important for your advisor to embrace these kinds of characteristics. That’s the easy part. But we’ll also tackle the harder part and discuss some tangible ways how you can determine if an advisor has these characteristics or not.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Did you know that the new tax rules have caused a decline in charitable giving? With so many people taking the standard deduction now there's less incentive to donate as much money to charity. Since this is the season of giving, John will walk through several strategies you can utilize to increase your charitable giving in the years ahead and still reap tax benefits along the way. We guarantee you'll learn something on today's podcast that you didn't know going into it. We'll take a look at QCDs, donor advised funds, bunching, and more... And, side note, this is the only episode we'll post in December before getting back into action in 2020. Happy Holidays to all the fans of the Retire Happy Podcast!
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
This week focuses on Roth IRA conversions. What are they? What are the benefits? What are the determining factors to know if they are suitable for you? John will answer all of these questions in detail on today's show.
Important Info:
Securus Financial Site:
Call John: (858) 935-6210